The Egocentric Comorbidity Network on Infectious mononucleosis

Disease Info.
ICD-9: 075
Disease ID: 44
Disease Name: Infectious mononucleosis
Descriptives of the sampled nested cases-control dataset
Total individual= 665
Case:Control = 133 : 532 ( 1 : 4 )
No. of control with zero baseline= 442
No. of select variables= 91
Messages in th clogit procedure
WARN: Loglik converged before variable 2,5,18,24,50,52 ; coefficient may be infinite.
Fitted coefficients in conditional logistic model (p<0.05 only)
*Progression links allowed are marked in red
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) name sig
20.199 5.918601e+08 6.359 3.176 0.001 Menopausal and postmenopausal disorders ***
2.535 1.261400e+01 1.075 2.357 0.018 Other ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality *
2.398 1.099800e+01 1.221 1.964 0.050 Pain and other symptoms associated with female genital organs *
2.286 9.836000e+00 1.011 2.261 0.024 Viral hepatitis *
1.888 6.606000e+00 0.561 3.368 0.001 Asthma ***
1.409 4.091000e+00 0.357 3.952 0.000 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis ***
1.100 3.004000e+00 0.365 3.016 0.003 Atopic dermatitis and related conditions **
1.071 2.920000e+00 0.488 2.197 0.028 Viral and chlamydial infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site *
1.048 2.852000e+00 0.461 2.274 0.023 Other disorders of urethra and urinary tract *
1.033 2.811000e+00 0.399 2.590 0.010 Symptoms involving head and neck **
0.844 2.325000e+00 0.379 2.228 0.026 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth *
0.759 2.136000e+00 0.343 2.214 0.027 Contact dermatitis and other eczema *
0.703 2.019000e+00 0.352 1.998 0.046 General symptoms *
-1.081 3.390000e-01 0.439 -2.459 0.014 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract *
-3.454 3.200000e-02 1.397 -2.473 0.013 Group B streptococcus infections of unspecified site *
Age distribution of cases
Prevalence of exposure in the dataset per 100,000
*marked green when case > control
case control overall name
57894.74 8834.59 18646.62 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
51127.82 2819.55 12481.20 General symptoms
46616.54 5263.16 13533.83 Contact dermatitis and other eczema
45864.66 2819.55 11428.57 Functional digestive disorders, not elsewhere classified
41353.38 3947.37 11428.57 Other noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis
38345.86 2631.58 9774.44 Allergic rhinitis
37593.98 3383.46 10225.56 Gastritis and duodenitis
37593.98 4511.28 11127.82 Other symptoms involving abdomen and pelvis
36090.23 3195.49 9774.44 Diseases of the oral soft tissues, excluding lesions specific for gingiva and tongue
34586.47 1127.82 7819.55 Symptoms involving digestive system
33834.59 5075.19 10827.07 Gingival and periodontal diseases
31578.95 3195.49 8872.18 Symptoms involving respiratory system and other chest symptoms
24812.03 2443.61 6917.29 Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
24812.03 2255.64 6766.92 Symptoms involving head and neck
24060.15 2631.58 6917.29 Disorders of refraction and accommodation
24060.15 1315.79 5864.66 Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
24060.15 2819.55 7067.67 Disorders of function of stomach
23308.27 1127.82 5563.91 Specific diseases due to Coxsackie virus
19548.87 1879.70 5413.53 Other disorders of urethra and urinary tract
19548.87 1691.73 5263.16 Pruritus and related conditions
19548.87 2443.61 5864.66 Urticaria
18796.99 1315.79 4812.03 Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis
18045.11 1127.82 4511.28 Atopic dermatitis and related conditions
17293.23 1879.70 4962.41 Other diseases and conditions of the teeth and supporting structures
16541.35 1879.70 4812.03 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract
14285.71 3195.49 5413.53 Disorders of menstruation and other abnormal bleeding from female genital tract
13533.83 375.94 3007.52 Disorders of tooth development and eruption
12781.95 1127.82 3458.65 Asthma
10526.32 2067.67 3759.40 Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina and vulva
10526.32 2067.67 3759.40 Diseases of sebaceous glands
9774.44 375.94 2255.64 Nonsuppurative otitis media and eustachian tube disorders
9774.44 939.85 2706.77 Other disorders of soft tissues
9022.56 751.88 2406.02 Viral and chlamydial infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site
7518.80 939.85 2255.64 Visual disturbances
6015.04 563.91 1654.14 Dermatophytosis
6015.04 563.91 1654.14 Candidiasis
5263.16 187.97 1203.01 Other and unspecified disorder of joint
5263.16 375.94 1353.38 Symptoms involving cardiovascular system
4511.28 563.91 1353.38 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
4511.28 1503.76 2105.26 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue
4511.28 563.91 1353.38 Other and unspecified disorders of back
3759.40 187.97 902.26 Other disorders of eyelids
3759.40 187.97 902.26 Other disorders of eye
3759.40 1127.82 1654.14 Other diseases due to viruses and Chlamydiae
3759.40 563.91 1203.01 Disorders of sweat glands
3007.52 751.88 1203.01 Neurotic disorders
3007.52 375.94 902.26 Special symptoms or syndromes not elsewhere classified
3007.52 187.97 751.88 Viral hepatitis
3007.52 1315.79 1654.14 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified
3007.52 751.88 1203.01 Pain and other symptoms associated with female genital organs
3007.52 563.91 1052.63 Diseases of hair and hair follicles
3007.52 375.94 902.26 Other disorders of cervical region
3007.52 1127.82 1503.76 Symptoms involving skin and other integumentary tissue
2255.64 375.94 751.88 Benign neoplasm of skin
2255.64 187.97 601.50 Ovarian dysfunction
2255.64 187.97 601.50 Group B streptococcus infections of unspecified site
2255.64 563.91 902.26 Migraine
2255.64 563.91 902.26 Chickenpox
2255.64 375.94 751.88 Other diseases of endocardium
2255.64 563.91 902.26 Other disorders of breast
2255.64 187.97 601.50 Other hypertrophic and atrophic conditions of skin
2255.64 187.97 601.50 Intervertebral disc disorders
2255.64 187.97 601.50 Disorders of muscle, ligament and fascia
2255.64 563.91 902.26 Symptoms involving urinary system
1503.76 187.97 451.13 Ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease
1503.76 375.94 601.50 Chronic sinusitis
1503.76 187.97 451.13 Other disorders of female genital organs
1503.76 187.97 451.13 Other and unspecified arthropathies
1503.76 375.94 601.50 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes
1503.76 187.97 451.13 Other perinatal jaundice
1503.76 187.97 451.13 Other ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality
751.88 375.94 451.13 Diabetes mellitus
751.88 375.94 451.13 Disorders of lipoid metabolism
751.88 187.97 300.75 Gout
751.88 187.97 300.75 Other conditions of brain
751.88 375.94 451.13 Cataract
751.88 563.91 601.50 Vertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular system
751.88 187.97 300.75 Other disorders of ear
751.88 375.94 451.13 Angina pectoris
751.88 187.97 300.75 Cardiac dysrhythmias
751.88 187.97 300.75 Heart failure
751.88 187.97 300.75 Gastrojejunal ulcer
751.88 187.97 300.75 Endometriosis
751.88 187.97 300.75 Noninflammatory disorders of ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament
751.88 375.94 451.13 Noninflammatory disorders of vagina
751.88 187.97 300.75 Menopausal and postmenopausal disorders
751.88 375.94 451.13 Hemorrhage in early pregnancy
751.88 187.97 300.75 Internal derangement of knee
751.88 187.97 300.75 Relapsing fever
751.88 375.94 451.13 Spondylosis and allied disorders
751.88 375.94 451.13 Other disorders of synovium, tendon and bursa